Dust Off Your Journal. Talk With Your Soul.

Dust Off Your Journal. Talk With Your Soul.

On this summer weekend day, I awoke early, and with a little girl’s butterflies.

A whole day of solitude ahead of me, to write, read, walk in the woods with my dogs, sit on my favorite stump and watch the forest theater. It occurred to me that I hadn’t written in my journal for a while, even though it’s one of the most sacred places I know to go. It’s where I check in with my soul, and have all my life. To that end, I was shocked to see that I’d neglected my journal all through COVID. The last entry was just before my book tour for Willa’s Grove in March of 2020! You’d think I would have needed my journal more than ever in those years. But, like so many of us, I was re-inventing my work life, keeping things afloat in my personal life, processing this massive global plot-twist. I wasn’t thinking about making space for my soul-language. I was on over-drive, just trying to make ends meet. But no journal-writing? What was I thinking? Had I replaced my soul-life with my work-life? Was that even possible?

So it’s no surprise that words cascaded out of me. Twenty-four pages in two hours, hardly able to keep up with my pen. It was like I’d had a waterfall on pause for a few years, and I finally had the courage to push “play” again. My soul wanted to talk. And as I allowed room for its language, I felt myself rooting in the essence of my being. My whole being. Not in the compartmentalized facets of my different roles in life. Compartments I love. But still fractured from the whole. It was like re-meeting my whole self for the first time in far too long.

It got me thinking about soul-neglect. How we drop our lifelines, often when we need them most. It should be the other way around. I knew I needed to take a serious look at my relationship with soul. Can you really part ways with soul? Can you really lose its language? Can you really forget to listen? What happens when you fail to create sacred space for it? And to that end, just what is the soul, anyway?

So I went through my shelves, looking for a book I read when I was a new writer in 1992. Thomas Moore’s Care of the Soul. In it he writes: “Soul is not a thing but a quality or dimension of experiencing life and ourselves. It has to do with depth, value, relatedness, heart and personal substance.” I took heart in the fact that Moore believes that the soul cannot be separated from body, family, work, love, or power. So maybe my soul finally said Enough is enough. Go to your deepest lifeline: your journal. I’ll meet you there so that you can see me. Remember me. Love me. Trust me. Align with me in everything that you are passionate about. Personal. Work. All of it. Let’s become whole again.

I wanted more, so I reached for Meister Eckhart, because even though he was writing in the 14th century, the truth that I find in his words is always timeless, love being what it is. I read these words:

“When the soul wants to experience something, she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.”

And I realized that this is what I did in 2012 when I broadened my world and added new roles to my life, outside of my writing and motherhood. Suddenly I was a writing teacher, editor, retreat facilitator, and on-line writing community leader which includes doing live workshops, and interviewing experts…all new terrain. Without knowing it, I was stepping into a future my soul already saw. I can see it now so clearly. And while helping other people write is one of the greatest gifts of my life, sometimes the energy and time it takes to run the business around all of these passions of mine…overwhelms my vision of the whole.

Writing in my journal this morning, for my eyes only and for no other cause but my own, to my soul, woke something in me that I’d let go dangerously dormant.

And as life so often behaves, just when I gave myself the time to care for my soul, I received four back-to-back surprise gifts: notes from recent retreaters, thanking me for their Haven experience, and with generous testimonials. Not expected, but very much appreciated. Because it was as if they were really notes from my soul, reminding me that when we create space for writing in a journal, we remind ourselves who we really are, and contact the essence of our being. I don’t teach journal-writing. I’m so committed to teaching craft, voice, and how to structure writing projects and writing practices. But maybe I ought to bring a journal-writing practice into the way I teach. Either way, I know that I can’t lose this personal soul-practice ever again.

Whatever it is that you do for work, I hope you know that it’s touching people. Somehow. In some way. Big or little. And often, just when you’re least aware of it. But don’t neglect your soul along the way. If you have a dusty journal sitting around, please consider blowing the dust off of it and inviting your pen, and your soul, to meet. We all need something outside our work that is ours only. Sometimes we lose track of the difference between our work and ourselves. But trust that your soul is never separate. You just need to honor her. She might be throwing out an image in front of her so that you, and others, can step into it.

Thank you to those who offered me these soulful words:

If you have always wanted to share your ideas, thoughts, stories through writing or become a better writing coach/teacher Laura Munson’s Haven Writing Retreats are for you. I can honestly say that in all my years as an educator, and as a learner, I have never had such a loving, giving, and deeply moving learning experience as I did under Laura’s expert instruction. Being a writer is such a complex task, and Laura breaks things down so expertly, creates safe spaces, and ensures that you are given the kind of feedback that lifts you and makes you a much better wordsmith than when you first entered her magical place in the Montana mountains. I highly recommend this experience for anyone, no matter where you are in your writing path. What an experience that I will never forget. Thank you, Laura and your Haven!  
—Misty from Maine (Educator, School Principal, Director of Curriculum, Coach for Educators, Writer)  

Attending Laura Munson’s Haven Writing Retreat fulfilled a bucket list item for me. The Haven experience gave me a new level of validation and confidence I’ve been needing over the last several years. The connection I was able to make with my Haven group was both healing, enlightening, and inspiring. We wrote and read and ate and laughed and cried together. For the first time in my writing life, at Haven, I heard my own voice clear and distinct because I also heard theirs. I understood how and why the way I choose to communicate is not only unique but also important. Laura’s program and approach also helped me make significant progress in solidifying my next writing project. I have a million ideas daily, which is often overwhelming. Attending Haven set me firmly on my current path; now I’m going forward. I highly recommend Haven not only to writers, but also to anyone who needs to take a true beat, to re-connect with who they are, and where they are going.­ 
 —Penelope from PA (Author, Professional Speaker)

My experience at Laura Munson’s Haven Writing Retreat was indeed life changing. I signed up at a point in my life when I wasn’t quite sure if I was a writer, but I knew I loved it and decided to take a leap of faith. I am so incredibly glad I did! I left the retreat knowing I am indeed a writer and with a newfound commitment to tell my story. Laura is a fearless leader, a visionary, and a brilliant teacher. Each day was intensely focused and I found myself having an “aha” moment nearly every hour as, with her guidance, I figured out who I am as a writer and how best to express my story. The sense of community was immediate, and the opportunity to sit in a room of supportive people was a first for me, as I’m sure it is for many. Laura leads critiques with a fearless and positive tone, carefully considering each person’s individual needs.

I am so incredibly grateful for the beautiful Montana location and for Laura’s grace and open hearted joy in lovingly leading a group of writers to the next page in their journey.

No matter where you are as writer, at the very beginning, or published multiple times,
the Haven Writing Retreat will expand your soul and stay in your heart forever.
—Lisbeth from Malibu, California (Composer, singer, songwriter….and writer!)

Whoever declared “Haven is an MFA in five days!” was bang on. This surprising retreat delivers a wealth of publishing information, writing sessions that inspire, sage guidance on narrative structure, gentle while exacting feedback, and, to boot, ongoing writerly support. The setting is a stunning expanse of land, cared for in a sacred way. And all led by Laura Munson, twice over bestselling author, with her fierce command of how to teach writing (by every eclectic means thinkable). What fun we had! And how hard we worked!

If you want to open up your future, I urge you to jump in (and there’s often financial wizardry for those of us penniless, through the Haven Foundation).

After five days retreating, a little solo steeping time is suggested before reentering family and community. But when you emerge, words will come with you—words and words and words!
 —Kathleen Meyer, author of How to Shit in the Woods, Victor, MT

***To learn more about Haven Writing Retreats and to book a one-hour introductory call with Laura, click here.

2023 Haven Writing Retreats:

Sept. 13-17 (full)
Sept. 27-Oct. 1 (two spots left)
Oct. 25-29 (still room)

Now Booking 2024 Haven Writing Retreats:

March 20-24
May 1-5
May 28- June 2
June 5- 9
September 18-22
September 25-September 29
October 23-27


So Now What Workshop

So Now What Workshop

To Register, click here!  

CONNECT & SHARE: So Now What Virtual Writing Workshop!

Join the founder of one of the top-ranked writing workshops in the US, Laura Munson:

We are all facing the question, “So Now What?” right now, more than ever. Many of us go into isolation, shame, or pretending we’re okay during these crossroads moments, usually out of fear of being judged or rejected altogether.

Let’s create a new community now, as the women in my novel Willa’s Grove have done. I deeply believe in intentional, “bridge” communities with people who aren’t necessarily in our daily lives, but who are also at a major “So Now What?” crossroads. I believe that together we can welcome our crossroads moments, honor their lessons, and use them to move forward in our lives. My hope is that by doing this work we can more powerfully and authentically re-enter our lives, and welcome our futures.

We can’t gather in person but I can bring us together virtually by using the most powerful tool I know: the written word. As long as you can put pen to paper, you can do this work. You do NOT need to be a writer to come! I have said for years: “Writing should be up there with diet and exercise in the realm of preventative wellness.”

The “So Now What?” Virtual Writing Workshop is a powerful step in this path of your self-discovery.

We will work with guided writing prompts to help you with:
• Mind awareness — how it serves and sabotages us.
• Finding your unique voice
• Inviting your stories, past, present, and future — parsing them as truth or myth.
• Vision: getting them out of you onto paper for your eyes only, so you can look at them and see what’s next.

In this class you will also get:
• Instruction in the theory and practice of writing
• Guided writing prompts that build upon one another to provide a map for your next steps
• An intentional journal-writing practice that you can use forever as you navigate all the “So Now What’s?” in your life.
• THE SUPPORT YOU DESERVE, especially during this trying time. We need the power of self-expression in a safe, guided setting from someone who has helped people find their words for years, and wants deeply to help you!

Your investment in YOU:
$250 for the 5-hour session

To Register, click here!  

FREE So Now What Journaling with Laura

FREE So Now What Journaling with Laura

Ready to Register? You can do that right here. 

Do you need to find your “so now what?” Every Friday at 4:00 MST I will guide you through journal writing prompts to help you shed your past, embrace your present, and dream your future alive. It’s the same practice every week, and hundreds of people treat it as their official end of the week, and start of the weekend.

I want to give something to you at no cost, because I want this to be available to all who need it. Bring your kids. Bring your partners. Bring your elders. Bring you! We’ll sit “together” in my home in Montana and hearken and hammer together using the written word. I’ll give you inspiring writing prompts and time to write, time to share (optional), and I’ll give you a practice that you can do on your own to help you get through this time.

We need this. I need this.  As I’ve said many times, “Writing should be up there with diet and exercise in the realm of preventative wellness.” Let’s be well together.

Fridays, 4:00-5:00 MST


CLICK HERE  Register once and that’s all you need to do! Then join us every Friday at 4pm MST. 


FREE So Now What Journaling with Laura

FREE So Now What: Journaling with Laura

I want to give something to you at no cost, because I want this to be available to all who need it. Bring your kids. Bring your partners. Bring your elders. Bring you! We’ll sit “together” in my home in Montana and hearken and hammer together using the written word. I’ll give you inspiring prompts and time to write, time to share (optional), and I’ll give you a practice that you can do on your own to help you get through this time.

We need this. I need this.  Again, “Writing should be up there with diet and exercise in the realm of preventative wellness.” Let’s be well together.

Here’s the info for how to join me:
Fridays, 4:00-5:00 MST

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 983 992 436

Password: sonowwhat

FREE So Now What Writing: journaling with Laura

So for the next four Fridays at 4:00 pm, MST, and maybe beyond, I’m going to host a one hour FREE guided journal-writing session called So Now What Writing.

I’ll give you inspiring prompts and time to write, time to share (optional), and I’ll give you a practice that you can do on your own to help you get through this time.

We need this. I need this.  Again, “Writing should be up there with diet and exercise in the realm of preventative wellness.” Let’s be well together.

Here’s the info for how to join me:
Fridays, 4:00-5:00 MST

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 983 992 436

Password: sonowwhat


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