A San Francisco Bookseller and Sales Rep just made my day…

Dear, Laura: I LOVE your book and so many things about it. So much of what you said resonated with me (as it did with thousands of others, after that column first appeared in the New York Times).  I could especially relate to all the times you had those inner dialogs (what you really wanted …

Dear, Laura:

I LOVE your book and so many things about it. So much of what you said resonated with me (as it did with thousands of others, after that column first appeared in the New York Times).  I could especially relate to all the times you had those inner dialogs (what you really wanted to say to your husband), while keeping your cool and staying away from the hurt, blame, and suffering.  I’m never quite as successful at that as you are, which is why I think I found your entire story so inspiring!  While your memoir does remind me of Eat, Pray, Love, one of the things I like most about it is that while Elizabeth Gilbert was able to embark on her year of transformation because of a book contract, your failure to get published was a key component in your spiritual journey.  I think that type of persevering for twenty years to realize your dream will appeal to many, as will your quest to end suffering and save your marriage.  I’ve already been emailing my colleagues at Penguin about your book, with lots of lively discussion back and forth (especially, about how wonderfully you paint the picture of your life in Montana, which is why I totally wish I could jump on a plane and arrive on your front porch!), which tells me that this will  be a great bookclub book.


Ok, time to stop gushing and go sell your book to all those wonderful Bay area independent booksellers out there!  And I do hope your tour brings you out here…where I will make sure to somehow meet you (and have that cup of tea).

—Wendy Pearl, Penguin Group Sales Rep, Oakland, CA


 I picked up This Is Not The Story you Think It Is and… I couldn’t put it down. It was very compelling and I felt I needed to get to the end, no matter what. I’m not sure if it was how it was written or the subject matter but the book really sent me a message, maybe not the one Munson wanted but one I needed to hear: “Stick with it!!! Have a plan. Be true to yourself. Be willing to ask for help.” How often do we hear that in current literature?  Thanks for the recommendation…I’m passing my advance readers copy on to a friend!

 –Andrea Davis,

Copperfield’s Books, Healdsburg, CA



Laura Munson

Laura Munson


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