Be Part of a Thriving Writing Community

Find Your Voice and Hone Your Craft at Any Level: The Writing Retreat, The Writing Workshop, and Editing Your Book

After almost a decade, what was originally the Haven Writing Retreat has evolved into a variety of programs and a thriving community. It supports you where you need to be met, at every level of your creative journey— whether you are looking for clearer and more authentic self-expression, want to write a book, and everything in-between. You do not have to be a writer to come to Haven. You simply have to be a seeker who longs to find your unique voice. It all begins with Haven I, which is a stand-alone program, and after you become a Haven I alum, a world of possibility presents itself to you.

Everyone, at Every Level

Haven attracts people from every demographic, gender orientation, and nationality, and at every level of their creative journey. It all begins with Haven I, which is a stand-alone program. After you become a Haven I alum, a world of possibility presents itself to you.

Voted Among the Best Writing Conferences in the Northwestern US!

The Writer Logo

Named one of the top writing retreats in the US.

Open Road Media Logo

The Writing Retreat I Would Want to Attend

I designed Haven I as the retreat I would want to attend, with both a retreat and a workshop component, and with people at every level of their self-expression. 
I designed it as an answer to the question I heard over and over again in my speaking engagements:

Do I have something to say that matters?
Am I even creative?
Can someone help me and keep it safe?

The answer is YES!

And it led me to this work, which I have seen change lives over and over again. Eight years later, based on demand, 
I now have Haven I: the writing retreat, Haven II: the writing workshop, and Haven III: the one-on-one editing program. In addition, there is a writer-in-residence program and a thriving alumni writing community of over 1,000 people from all over the world and every demographic.

Some of my Haven I participants are working on a project— a book, an essay, a short story, you name it. Some haven’t written since school days. Some have given everything to their careers or family and it’s time to write for themselves. Others simply want to learn to powerfully and authentically express themselves, using the written word, either in their careers or inter-personal relationships. It doesn’t matter where you are in your creative journey. Again: Haven meets you where you need to be met. That is my full commitment. The program holds you. I hold the program. And the ranch staff holds me. It’s a beautiful and powerful symbiosis.

Laura Munson teaching at the Haven Writing Retreat in front of a group of ten women

Enter into the world of possibility

The one thing we have in common in all of my Haven programs, is this: we are seekers. We are willing to put our hearts in our hands, to step outside of good/bad/right/wrong and the big one: perfection…and into the world of possibility. I fiercely believe that writing should be up there with diet and exercise as a transformational tool in the realm of preventative wellness…whether or not it adds up to a published work. In my Haven programs, I’ve seen lifelong friendships forged, books published, old wounds heal, voices finally expressed and heard and honored. It’s a lot more than five days in Montana. It just might be the life-changer you are yearning for, and have been, for way…too…long.

I Want To Write! So Now What?

To ensure a true and safe “haven,” the sign-up process begins with a one-hour (mandatory) phone call with me to discuss your creative journey, as well as your writing dreams and goals. This process differentiates Haven Writing Programs from others, and provides an opportunity for you to express yourself, your goals, your experience (or lack thereof), in a unique, and safe way. You get to be heard right where you are. That’s the first step in building the trust that makes the Haven experience so strong. I have found that people need this hands-on, intimate approach, and it sets the tone from the start. So often people say that it’s the first time they’ve been truly listened to in years, if not ever! My job is to make sure it’s the right match for everyone.

Haven Writing Retreat is the initial, and stand-alone, program which breaks down the writing process through carefully guided writing prompts and workshopping. Haven teaches you how to write in the way that only you can, whether you want to write a book, or simply want to learn how to more effectively express yourself. You do not have to be a writer to come to Haven— just a seeker who longs to powerfully say what you want to say in the way that only you can say it.

Come as a professional writer. Come as a beginning writer. Enter into this safe, non-competitive circle of inspiration, and watch your craft, voice, and life be transformed by a rigorous program including:

  • A broken-down examination of the writing theory, practice, and process
  • Unique, carefully-guided writing prompts using Laura’s Teaching from the Inside Out approach
  • A map that you can apply to your writing practice for as long as you live

Haven II is the intensive Writing Workshop for Haven I alums who want to write a book and who need a writing group, and protocol, that will keep them on track. At Haven II, we work with the trademarked Haven Worksheet, which teaches you how to give and receive feedback, based on my 30 years of walking the walk as a writer, working with some of the best editors in the industry, and knowing what book authors need.

After Haven II, your group continues to use the Haven Worksheet to get to the finish line.

You’ve graduated from Haven I and II, and now you want to get published. This is when I hold your hand as your personal editor. Having been through the publishing process many times, I can tell you: it’s not easy. I have the experience, the connections, and a strong sense of not just how to breathe your book dream alive, but how to get it out into the world.

I am a wealth of information re: publicity, book tour, speaking engagements, networking. All of it. And where appropriate and with good boundaries…I give my Haven alums (and only my Haven alums) the industry connections they deserve. I walk in deep integrity. The publishing world knows it. And I want to help you.

Writers In Residence

Once people do the Haven Writing Retreat, they often want to return to the beauty of Montana, to continue working with me. Some of these people have writing projects in the works, and some simply want to re-fuel their writing practice. We tailor-make a program for each client, including one-on-one sessions, committed writing time, editorial services, coaching, and think-tanking. Some clients choose to do a Writer in Residence after the Haven Writing Retreat, or the Haven II Workshop as well. Imagine yourself in a cabin in the woods, or a boutique hotel in Whitefish…breathing your writing alive with the support you deserve! (Available to Haven alums only)

Collage of writers who attended and are apart of the Haven Community

I speak to people daily who would love to come to a Haven program, and who simply don’t have the funds. That’s why I started the Haven Foundation (5o1c-3 non-profit). If there were thousands of dollars in this account, I could serve the over 100 people on my Haven list who simply cannot justify the cost. I pride myself on the demographic diversity of Haven, and that is what drives me to run a non-profit. The truth is…on top of my Haven programs and my personal writing life…I haven’t been able to put the time and energy into the foundation that I would like…and that’s where my donors come in. It’s because of you, that I have been able to serve dozens of now Haven alums who would never have found the means to support their life-changing Haven experience.

With your continued support, more seekers find their Haven each day.

Working with Laura as an editor has proven educational, fun and magical. I now know what a true editor is, one who both improves your skills but is also able to pull your words, your story, out of you in a way that may at first feel very uncomfortable and challenging but quickly morphs into something almost spiritual.

St. Louis, MO​

What Haven provided was an outlet of dedicated time for me to reconnect with my own self-expression through writing. Laura’s passion for writing and the love for her work made me feel comfortable amongst a diverse group—some professional writers, some just starting out, some with project ideas, and others who had only written in personal journals, like me.

Owner of "Let’s Write Life," Boston, MA

“I learned more about the craft of writing and the art of reading in five days with Laura than in my entire experience as an MFA student. I would be annoyed by that if I was not so blown away by my experience at the Haven Retreat. If you are reading this you are a real writer and you absolutely deserve to do this great big thing for yourself. I promise from the bottom of my heart that you will not regret this.”

Venice, Italy

Laura has everything you can ask for in a writing mentor. But, what blows me away the most is her ability to edit other people’s work. I think it’s because she genuinely cares about what we create and because she’s just got this freakishly deep insight into what would make your story richer. If you listen, I guarantee, you’ll go back into your work and say ‘Did I really just write that?’ She’s that good.

New York

Working with Laura as an editor has proven educational, fun and magical. I now know what a true editor is, one who both improves your skills but is also able to pull your words, your story, out of you in a way that may at first feel very uncomfortable and challenging but quickly morphs into something almost spiritual.

St. Louis, MO​

What Haven provided was an outlet of dedicated time for me to reconnect with my own self-expression through writing. Laura’s passion for writing and the love for her work made me feel comfortable amongst a diverse group—some professional writers, some just starting out, some with project ideas, and others who had only written in personal journals, like me.

Owner of "Let’s Write Life," Boston, MA

“I learned more about the craft of writing and the art of reading in five days with Laura than in my entire experience as an MFA student. I would be annoyed by that if I was not so blown away by my experience at the Haven Retreat. If you are reading this you are a real writer and you absolutely deserve to do this great big thing for yourself. I promise from the bottom of my heart that you will not regret this.”

Venice, Italy

Laura has everything you can ask for in a writing mentor. But, what blows me away the most is her ability to edit other people’s work. I think it’s because she genuinely cares about what we create and because she’s just got this freakishly deep insight into what would make your story richer. If you listen, I guarantee, you’ll go back into your work and say ‘Did I really just write that?’ She’s that good.

New York

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