Made You Laugh

My grandmother used to say that God has a sense of humor. And sometimes, I really think that's true. Yesterday, I asked my kids to unload the groceries from the truck. Which they did. Good kids have I. When I came out this morning, there was a frozen and partially smooshed, plastic-ensconced, English cucumber on …

My grandmother used to say that God has a sense of humor. And sometimes, I really think that’s true. Yesterday, I asked my kids to unload the groceries from the truck. Which they did. Good kids have I.

When I came out this morning, there was a frozen and partially smooshed, plastic-ensconced, English cucumber on the driveway. I was wondering where that cucumber went. Oh well, these things happen, right? Don’t cry over smooshed cucumber. It looked like the dogs played tug-o-war with it– at least it served some purpose, right?

Well, I was running late for a phone appointment in the house, and so rather than dealing with the cucumber, I tossed it on the hood of my truck so the dogs wouldn’t get into it. I went about my merry way which included a few more hours of writing, a few loads of laundry, a date with the dishwasher, shoveling the new snow off the path, and 40 miles of Montana road– which means 75 miles per hour at times in gusty winter winds and twisting highways.

And as I pulled into the driveway, kids picked up from school, dry cleaning hanging neatly in the passenger seat, guitar and piano lessons learned, and after-school snacks delivered…I looked at the hood of my truck, the very hood my eyes had looked over to navigate all that road…and lo…there was the trusty cucumber.

Now I sort of want to invite it in for tea or something. I have cucumber guilt, in fact, giving it the ride of its life like that in dog teeth and country road. So I thought I’d prove it the icon that it is. What absurdity made you laugh today?

and p.s. yes that’s a crack in my windshield, but that’s another story.

Laura Munson

Laura Munson


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